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PowerShell: Strip white space/blank lines from end of file or path

I created a small helper function to unclutter the file ends and white space/blank lines from files during my build process. I prefer the way that Set-Content handles it: Add a single blank line at the end of each file.

function Remove-FileEndingBlankLines
Strip white space/blank lines from end of file or path

Strip white space/blank lines from end of file or path

Single File or Path you want to unclutter. (Mandatory)

Recurse through all subdirectories of the path provided. The default is not work recursively (Optional)

No new (blank) line at the end of a file.

.PARAMETER SafeFilesOnly
Only safe files were processed. This is the default! This will prevent any issues with Binary Files or any other non safe to process files. If you like to process all files (can be dangerous) just negate this by using -SafeFilesOnly:$false

PS C:\> Remove-FileEndingBlankLines -Path 'C:\Temp\Export-DistributionGroup2Cloud.ps1'

Strip white space/blank lines from end of 'C:\Temp\Export-DistributionGroup2Cloud.ps1'

PS C:\> Remove-FileEndingBlankLines -Path 'C:\Temp\Export-DistributionGroup2Cloud.ps1'

Strip white space/blank lines from end of 'C:\Temp\Export-DistributionGroup2Cloud.ps1' without ending a final blank line at the end.
NOTE: Set-Content adds a final blank line by default. this switch prevents this!

PS C:\> Remove-FileEndingBlankLines -Path 'C:\Temp' -Recurse

Strip white space/blank lines from end of files found in 'C:\Temp' and below (recursively).

PS C:\> Remove-FileEndingBlankLines -Path 'C:\Temp' -Recurse -SafeFilesOnly:$false

Strip white space/blank lines from end of all files found in 'C:\Temp' and below (recursively).
This might be risky and/or even dangerous! If you process any binary files, they might be corrupt afterwards.

I created this helper function to unclutter the file ends and white space/blank lines from files during my build process.

I prefer the way that Set-Content handles it: Add a single blank line at the end of each file. This is use to the fact, that I concatenate several files during a build process.

I also added a switch (noNewLine) to prevent this.

By default only PowerShell and Markdown Files are processed by this function



	[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low',
					  Position = 1,
					  HelpMessage = 'Single File or Path you want to unclutter.')]
					  Position = 2)]
		$Recurse = $false,
					  Position = 3)]
		$noNewLine = $false,
					  Position = 4)]
		$SafeFilesOnly = $true

		$paramGetChildItem = @{
			Path = $Path
			File = $true

		if ($SafeFilesOnly)
			Write-Verbose -Message 'Only safe files are processed'
			$paramGetChildItem.Include = '*.psm1', '*.ps1', '*.psd1', '*.ps1xml', '*.md'
			Write-Verbose -Message 'All are processed - Might be a bad idea!!!'

		if ($Recurse)
			Write-Verbose -Message 'Read the info recursively'
			$paramGetChildItem.Recurse = $true
			Write-Verbose -Message 'Read the info'

		# Make sure only files are processed and get the minimal info
		(Get-ChildItem @paramGetChildItem | Where-Object -FilterScript {
				-not $_.PSIsContainer
			} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName) | ForEach-Object -Process {
			Write-Verbose -Message ('Try to unclutter {0}' -f $_)

			$UnclutteredText = (((Get-Content -Path $_ -Raw).TrimEnd()).ToString())

				if ($noNewLine)
					Write-Verbose -Message ('Try to unclutter {0} (no final new line)' -f $_)

					$null = ([io.file]::WriteAllText($_.FullName, $UnclutteredText))
					Write-Verbose -Message ('Try to unclutter {0}' -f $_)

					$paramSetContent = @{
						Path			  = $_
						Value		     = $UnclutteredText
						Force		     = $true
						Confirm		  = $false
						Encoding	     = 'UTF8'
						ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
						WarningAction = 'Continue'
					$null = (Set-Content @paramSetContent)

				Write-Verbose -Message ('Uncluttered {0}' -f $_)
				# Get error record
				[Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$e = $_

				# Retrieve information about runtime error
				$info = [PSCustomObject]@{
					Exception = $e.Exception.Message
					Reason	 = $e.CategoryInfo.Reason
					Target	 = $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName
					Script	 = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
					Line	    = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
					Column	 = $e.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine

				# Output information. Post-process collected info, and log info (optional)
				Write-Verbose -Message $info

				Write-Error -Message ($info.Exception) -TargetObject ($info.Target) -ErrorAction Stop

		Write-Verbose -Message 'Clear-FileEnding Done'

This is also part of my PowerShell-collection repository.