Apple Released Security Update 2017-001 and that might cause Issues with File Sharing
Alle was very quick with the Patch for the “Blank Root Password Issue”! Some User reported that this Security Update introduces a new Issue: File sharing Problems!
Apple acknowledged the problem and was quick again: Apple released a support document with a guidance.
Here is the procedure that Apple provided:
- Open ‘Terminal’ or ‘iTerm2'
- Type
sudo /usr/libexec/configureLocalKDC
- Authenticate with your Admin password
Many blames Apple for the bad experience now! To be fair: Apple was very quick with the Release of the Fix! If you push such a patch to production, this is what can happen!
But, the overall quality of Apple’s Software sucks! The latest iOS Releases caused a lot of issues. MacOS High Sierra was OK, but it also caused some issues.