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Copy local group memberships from one user to another

I came across the following challenge: A customer asked me to clone the group membership from one user to another! I did that in past for Active Directory users and groups, but never for local groups on a Windows system. But the customer has a test system with lots of local groups.

The Windows 10 LocalAccounts module doesn’t provide a function to do that directly, but it’s powerful enough to build something.

I already had an internal function (Get-LocalGroupMembership) that was able to dump a list of groups a given user is a member of. So I decided to tweak it just a little bit and use it to clone the local Group Membership from one User to another.

Here is the tweaked function:

function Get-LocalGroupMembership
         Get all local Groups a given User is a Member of

         The the the membership of all local Groups for a given User.
         The Given User could be a local User (COMPUTER\USER) or a Domain User (DOMAIN\USER).

         .PARAMETER UserName
         Given User could be a local User (COMPUTER\USER) or a Domain User (DOMAIN\USER).
         Default is the user that executes the function.

         PS C:\> Get-LocalGroupMembership

         Dump the Group Membership for the User that executes the function

         PS C:\> Get-LocalGroupMembership -UserName 'CONTOSO\John.Doe'

         Dump the Group Membership for the User John.Doe in the Domain CONTOSO

         PS C:\> Get-LocalGroupMembership -UserName "$env:COMPUTERNAME\John.Doe"

         Dump the Group Membership for the User John.Doe on the local computer

         PS C:\> Get-LocalGroupMembership -UserName 'CONTOSO\John.Doe' | Foreach-Object { Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $_ -Member "$env:COMPUTERNAME\John.Doe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

         Clone the Group Membership from User John.Doe in the Domain CONTOSO to User John.Doe on the local computer

         This is just a quick and dirty solution for a problem I faced. (See last example)

   [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
      $UserName = ("$env:USERDOMAIN" + '\' + "$env:USERNAME")

      # Create a new Object
      $LocalGroupMembership = @()

      $AllGroups = (Get-LocalGroup -Name *)

      foreach ($LocalGroup in $AllGroups)
         if (Get-LocalGroupMember -Group $LocalGroup.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object -FilterScript {
               $ -eq $UserName
            $LocalGroupMembership += $LocalGroup.Name
      # Dump the object to the console

Here is the command line I used to clone the local Group Membership from one User to another:

Get-LocalGroupMembership -UserName 'CONTOSO\John.Doe' | Foreach-Object { Add-LocalGroupMember -Group $_ -Member 'CONTOSO\Jane.Doe' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }

There is also a Gist for this function, it is also part of my open-source repository.

I also created a function for the same requirement, but for Active Directory Users. I never had the request for doing something like this on a local Windows 10 system.

Never say never…