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Create a Windows 10 Host on Hyper-V

To run some Tests, I needed to create a bunch of different hosts, and I decided that I want to have new ones and no clones.

I just install a lot of throw-away hosts to run some update Tests (new Windows 10 Build), and I install them customized, so no clones and no automated setup.

Here is a quick script that helped me a lot to create all the Hyper-V Hosts for my Tests:

       Create a simple Windows 10 VM

       Create a simple Windows 10 VM for my Test-LAB

       .PARAMETER Client
       Client Name

       .PARAMETER Path
       Wher to create the new Disk Image?
       Default is: D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\

       .PARAMETER DiskSize
       Size of the new Disk in GB?
       Default is 100

       .PARAMETER StartMem
       Memory Size in GB?
       Deafult is: 2

       .PARAMETER VSwitch
       Hyper-V Switch to use?
       Default is: EXT (my external LAB Switch)

       .PARAMETER Generation
       Hyper-V VM Generation?
       The default is: 2

       .PARAMETER MaxMem
       Max RAM Size in MegaByte?
       The default is: 3072

       .PARAMETER Enterprise
       Use Enterprise Edition?
       The default is: NO (Then the PRO Image is used)

       PS C:\> win10vm.ps1 -Client 'LABWIN10V01'

       Create the new VM LABWIN10V01 with the Default settings

       TODO: Merge this with my existsing Clone Script.
       TODO: Add the other Switches from the LAB Server
	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
				  Position = 1,
				  HelpMessage = 'Client Name')]
	$Path = 'D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\',
	$DiskSize = 100,
	$StartMem = 2,
	$VSwitch = 'EXT',
	$Generation = 2,
	$MaxMem = 3072,

# Where to create the Disk
$Target = $Path + $Client + '.vhdx'

# Create the Disk
$DiskImageSize = ($DiskSize * 1GB)
$null = (New-VHD -Path $Target -Fixed -SizeBytes $DiskImageSize)

# Create the VM, without a Disk. We attach the new disk later
$VMStartupMemeory = ($StartMem * 1GB)
$null = (New-VM -Name $Client -MemoryStartupBytes $VMStartupMemeory -NoVHD -SwitchName $VSwitch -Generation $Generation)

# Set the Memory settings
$VMMaximumBytes = ($MaxMem * 1MB)
$null = (Set-VMMemory -VMName $Client -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MaximumBytes $VMMaximumBytes)

# Attach the new Disk
$null = (Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $Client -Path $Target)

# What kind of Windows 10 do we deploy here?
if ($Enterprise)
	$null = (Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client -Path 'C:\ISO\SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82288.ISO')
	$null = (Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client -Path 'C:\ISO\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82416.ISO')

# Get the Adapter, Disk, DVD Settings
$network = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $Client)
$vhd = (Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $Client)
$dvd = (Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client)

# Set the default Boot order
$null = (Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Client -BootOrder $vhd, $dvd, $network)

# Boot from the DVD on the 1st boot
$null = (Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Client -FirstBootDevice $dvd)

Feel free to improve it on GitHub!