Also entschied ich mich dazu alles als einfache weg werfe Systeme zu erstellen. Jedes davon habe ich dann manuell installiert. Da es um Tests mit Updates auf ein neues Windows 10 Build ging, habe auch jegliche automatisierte Installation verzichtet. Das aber nur um sicherzustellen, dass ich möglichst unterschiedliche Systeme bekomme.
Hier mein quick-hack mit dem ich die ganzen Gäste auf Hyper-V angelegt habe:
Create a simple Windows 10 VM
Create a simple Windows 10 VM for my Test-LAB
Client Name
Wher to create the new Disk Image?
Default is: D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\
Size of the new Disk in GB?
Default is 100
Memory Size in GB?
Deafult is: 2
Hyper-V Switch to use?
Default is: EXT (my external LAB Switch)
.PARAMETER Generation
Hyper-V VM Generation?
The default is: 2
Max RAM Size in MegaByte?
The default is: 3072
.PARAMETER Enterprise
Use Enterprise Edition?
The default is: NO (Then the PRO Image is used)
PS C:\> win10vm.ps1 -Client 'LABWIN10V01'
Create the new VM LABWIN10V01 with the Default settings
TODO: Merge this with my existsing Clone Script.
TODO: Add the other Switches from the LAB Server
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
Position = 1,
HelpMessage = 'Client Name')]
$Path = 'D:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\',
$DiskSize = 100,
$StartMem = 2,
$VSwitch = 'EXT',
$Generation = 2,
$MaxMem = 3072,
# Where to create the Disk
$Target = $Path + $Client + '.vhdx'
# Create the Disk
$DiskImageSize = ($DiskSize * 1GB)
$null = (New-VHD -Path $Target -Fixed -SizeBytes $DiskImageSize)
# Create the VM, without a Disk. We attach the new disk later
$VMStartupMemeory = ($StartMem * 1GB)
$null = (New-VM -Name $Client -MemoryStartupBytes $VMStartupMemeory -NoVHD -SwitchName $VSwitch -Generation $Generation)
# Set the Memory settings
$VMMaximumBytes = ($MaxMem * 1MB)
$null = (Set-VMMemory -VMName $Client -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MaximumBytes $VMMaximumBytes)
# Attach the new Disk
$null = (Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $Client -Path $Target)
# What kind of Windows 10 do we deploy here?
if ($Enterprise)
$null = (Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client -Path 'C:\ISO\SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82288.ISO')
$null = (Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client -Path 'C:\ISO\SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82416.ISO')
# Get the Adapter, Disk, DVD Settings
$network = (Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $Client)
$vhd = (Get-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $Client)
$dvd = (Get-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Client)
# Set the default Boot order
$null = (Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Client -BootOrder $vhd, $dvd, $network)
# Boot from the DVD on the 1st boot
$null = (Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Client -FirstBootDevice $dvd)
Feedback ist natürlich Willkommen! Hier oder auf GitHub!