Featured image of post Export Exchange Mailbox Permissions to CSV Files for archiving or migrations

Export Exchange Mailbox Permissions to CSV Files for archiving or migrations

To migrate from one Exchange environment to another, you might need to save and restore a few mailbox permissions. There is a lot of tooling, free and open-source and commercial, available. I recently faced the challenge again and I decided to make the following functions that I use available as Open-Source. Until a few days ago, they where part of our commercial suite of PowerShell Modules. I just removed a few things here and there: Logging, Error Handling and a few fields.

What you can to with the following:

  • Get a detailed mailbox permission report
  • Get a detailed mailbox Send permission report
  • Get a detailed mailbox folder permission report

The usual disclaimer:

This is open-source software, if you find an issue try to fix it yourself. There is no support and/or warranty in any kind!

Get a detailed mailbox folder permission report:

function Get-enMailboxFolderPermissionReport
         Get a detailed mailbox folder permission report

         Get a detailed mailbox folder permission report and exports this report to a given CSV file.
         You can select only usermailboxes, only sharedmailboxes or both for the reporting.

         .PARAMETER Identity
         The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox that you want to view.
         You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox.

         Default is * (all)

         .PARAMETER MailboxType
         The type is the value for the regular RecipientTypeDetails.

         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - UserMailbox
         - User
         - SharedMailbox
         - Shared
         - All

         The Default is ALL

         .PARAMETER ResultSize
         The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return.
         If you want to return all requests that match the query, use unlimited for the value of this parameter.

         The default value is unlimited.

         .PARAMETER Path
         Specifies the path to the CSV output file.

         The default is 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxFolderPermissionReport.csv'

         .PARAMETER Encoding
         Specifies the encoding for the exported CSV file.
         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - Unicode
         - UTF7
         - UTF8
         - ASCII
         - UTF32
         - BigEndianUnicode
         - Default
         - OEM

         Default is UTF8

         PS C:\> Get-enMailboxFolderPermissionReport

         Get a detailed mailbox folder permission report

         Developed and tested with Exchange Online, it should work with on Premises Exchange 2010/2010/2016/2019

         This is open-source software, if you find an issue try to fix it yourself.
         There is no support and/or warranty in any kind






   [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('Mailbox', 'MailboxID', 'MailboxIdentity')]
      $Identity = '*',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('UserMailbox', 'User', 'SharedMailbox', 'Shared', 'All', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $MailboxType = 'All',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      $ResultSize = 'Unlimited',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('CsvReport', 'CsvFile')]
      $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxFolderPermissionReport.csv',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('Unicode', 'UTF7', 'UTF8', 'ASCII', 'UTF32', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'OEM', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $Encoding = 'UTF8'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      $MailboxCount = $null
      $MailboxFolderPermission = $null
      $ProgressStatus = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

      #region Defaults
      $SCT = 'SilentlyContinue'
      $CNT = 'Continue'

      if (-not ($Identity))
         $Identity = '*'

      if (-not ($MailboxType))
         $MailboxType = 'All'

      if (-not ($ResultSize))
         $ResultSize = 'Unlimited'

      if (-not ($Path))
         $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxFolderPermissionReport.csv'

      if (-not ($Encoding))
         $Encoding = 'UTF8'
      #endregion Defaults

      #region MailboxType
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Get the mailboxes'

      #region paramGetMailbox
      $paramGetMailbox = @{
         Identity      = $Identity
         ResultSize    = $ResultSize
         ErrorAction   = $SCT
         WarningAction = $CNT
      #endregion paramGetMailbox

      #region MailboxTypeSwitch
      switch ($MailboxType) {
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
      #endregion MailboxTypeSwitch

      #region GetAllMailboxes
      $AllMailboxes = (Get-Mailbox @paramGetMailbox | Where-Object @paramWhereObject | Sort-Object)
      #endregion GetAllMailboxes
      #endregion MailboxType

      if ($AllMailboxes)
         # Create a new object for the report
         $MailboxPermissionReport = @()

         # Create a counter for Write-Progress
         $MailboxCounter = ($AllMailboxes | Measure-Object).Count

         # Set the start counter for Write-Progress to 1
         $MailboxCount = 1

         #region MailboxLoop
         Write-Verbose -Message 'Process all mailboxes'

         ForEach ($SingleMailbox in $AllMailboxes)
            # Update Write-Progress
            $ProgressActivity = ('Working on Mailbox {0} of {1} ({2})' -f $MailboxCount, $MailboxCounter, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)
            $ProgressStatus = ('Getting folders for mailbox: {0} ({1})' -f $SingleMailbox.DisplayName, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)

            Write-Verbose -Message $ProgressStatus

            $paramWriteProgress = @{
               Status          = $ProgressStatus
               Activity        = $ProgressActivity
               PercentComplete = (($MailboxCount/$MailboxCounter) * 100)
            Write-Progress @paramWriteProgress

            # Get all folder for the mailbox
            $AllFolders = ($SingleMailbox | Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -FolderScope All | ForEach-Object -Process {
               } | ForEach-Object -Process {

            ForEach ($SingleFolder in $AllFolders)
               # Update Write-Progress
               $ProgressStatus = ('Get permissions for {0}' -f ($SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName + ':' + $SingleFolder))

               Write-Verbose -Message $ProgressStatus

               $paramWriteProgress = @{
                  Status          = $ProgressStatus
                  Activity        = $ProgressActivity
                  PercentComplete = (($MailboxCount/$MailboxCounter) * 100)
               Write-Progress @paramWriteProgress

               # Get mailbox folder permissions with Get-MailboxFolderPermission
               $MailboxFolderPermission = $null
               $paramGetMailboxFolderPermission = @{
                  Identity    = ($SingleMailbox.Alias + ':' + $SingleFolder)
                  ErrorAction = $SCT
               $MailboxFolderPermission = (Get-MailboxFolderPermission @paramGetMailboxFolderPermission)

               # store results in variable
               $MailboxPermissionReport += $MailboxFolderPermission | Where-Object -FilterScript {
                  $_.User -notlike 'Default' -and $_.User -notlike 'Anonymous' -and $_.AccessRights -notlike 'None' -and $_.AccessRights -notlike 'Owner'
               } | Select-Object -Property @{
                  name       = 'Name'
                  expression = {
               }, @{
                  name       = 'UserPrincipalName'
                  expression = {
               }, FolderName, @{
                  name       = 'User'
                  expression = {
                     $_.User -join ','
               }, @{
                  name       = 'AccessRights'
                  expression = {
                     $_.AccessRights -join ','

               # Cleanup
               $MailboxFolderPermission = $null

            # Update the counter

            Write-Verbose -Message ('Done with processing {0}' -f $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)
         #endregion MailboxLoop

         #region Reporter
         if ($MailboxPermissionReport)
            $paramExportCsv = @{
               Path              = $Path
               Force             = $true
               NoTypeInformation = $true
               Confirm           = $false
               ErrorAction       = 'Stop'
               WarningAction     = $CNT
            $null = ($MailboxPermissionReport | Export-Csv @paramExportCsv)
            Write-Warning -Message 'None of the Mailboxes has special permissions set'
         #endregion Reporter
         Write-Warning -Message 'No Mailboxes found that matches your search criteria'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      $MailboxCount = $null
      $MailboxFolderPermission = $null
      $ProgressStatus = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

This function will run very long! Please keep that in mind.

There is also a Gist for this function, it is also part of my open-source repository.

Get a detailed mailbox permission report:

function Get-enMailboxSendAsReport
         Get a detailed mailbox permission report

         Get a detailed mailbox permission report and exports this report to a given CSV file.
         You can select only usermailboxes, only sharedmailboxes or both for the reporting.

         .PARAMETER Identity
         The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox that you want to view.
         You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox.

         Default is * (all)

         .PARAMETER MailboxType
         The type is the value for the regular RecipientTypeDetails.

         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - UserMailbox
         - User
         - SharedMailbox
         - Shared
         - All

         The Default is ALL

         .PARAMETER ResultSize
         The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return.
         If you want to return all requests that match the query, use unlimited for the value of this parameter.

         The default value is unlimited.

         .PARAMETER Path
         Specifies the path to the CSV output file.

         The default is 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxSendAsReport.csv'

         .PARAMETER Encoding
         Specifies the encoding for the exported CSV file.
         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - Unicode
         - UTF7
         - UTF8
         - ASCII
         - UTF32
         - BigEndianUnicode
         - Default
         - OEM

         Default is UTF8

         PS C:\> Get-enMailboxSendAsReport

         Get a detailed mailbox permission report

         Developed and tested with Exchange Online, it should work with on Premises Exchange 2010/2010/2016/2019

         This is open-source software, if you find an issue try to fix it yourself.
         There is no support and/or warranty in any kind





   [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('Mailbox', 'MailboxID', 'MailboxIdentity')]
      $Identity = '*',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('UserMailbox', 'User', 'SharedMailbox', 'Shared', 'All', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $MailboxType = 'All',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      $ResultSize = 'Unlimited',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('CsvReport', 'CsvFile')]
      $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxSendAsReport.csv',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('Unicode', 'UTF7', 'UTF8', 'ASCII', 'UTF32', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'OEM', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $Encoding = 'UTF8'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

      #region Defaults
      $SCT = 'SilentlyContinue'
      $CNT = 'Continue'

      if (-not ($Identity))
         $Identity = '*'

      if (-not ($MailboxType))
         $MailboxType = 'All'

      if (-not ($ResultSize))
         $ResultSize = 'Unlimited'

      if (-not ($Path))
         $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxSendAsReport.csv'

      if (-not ($Encoding))
         $Encoding = 'UTF8'
      #endregion Defaults

      #region MailboxType
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Get the mailboxes'

      #region paramGetMailbox
      $paramGetMailbox = @{
         Identity      = $Identity
         ResultSize    = $ResultSize
         ErrorAction   = $SCT
         WarningAction = $CNT
      #endregion paramGetMailbox

      #region MailboxTypeSwitch
      switch ($MailboxType) {
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
      #endregion MailboxTypeSwitch

      #region GetAllMailboxes
      $AllMailboxes = (Get-Mailbox @paramGetMailbox | Where-Object @paramWhereObject | Sort-Object)
      #endregion GetAllMailboxes
      #endregion MailboxType

      if ($AllMailboxes)
         # Create a new object for the report
         $MailboxPermissionReport = @()

         # Create a counter for Write-Progress
         $MailboxCounter = ($AllMailboxes | Measure-Object).Count

         # Set the start counter for Write-Progress to 1
         $MailboxCount = 1

         #region MailboxLoop
         Write-Verbose -Message 'Process all mailboxes'

         ForEach ($SingleMailbox in $AllMailboxes)
            # Update Write-Progress
            $ProgressActivity = ('Working on Mailbox {0} of {1} ({2})' -f $MailboxCount, $MailboxCounter, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)
            $ProgressStatus = ('Getting folders for mailbox: {0} ({1})' -f $SingleMailbox.DisplayName, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)

            Write-Verbose -Message $ProgressStatus

            $paramWriteProgress = @{
               Status          = $ProgressStatus
               Activity        = $ProgressActivity
               PercentComplete = (($MailboxCount/$MailboxCounter) * 100)
            Write-Progress @paramWriteProgress

            $MailboxPermissionReport += $SingleMailbox | Get-RecipientPermission | Where-Object -FilterScript {
               ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.Trustee -match 'NT AUTHORITY')
            } | Select-Object -Property 'Identity', @{
               Name       = 'UserPrincipalName'
               Expression = {
            }, 'Trustee', @{
               Name       = 'Access Rights'
               Expression = {
                  $_.AccessRights -join ','
            } -ErrorAction $CNT -WarningAction $CNT
         #endregion MailboxLoop

         #region Reporter
         if ($MailboxPermissionReport)
            $paramExportCsv = @{
               Path              = $Path
               Force             = $true
               NoTypeInformation = $true
               Confirm           = $false
               ErrorAction       = 'Stop'
               WarningAction     = $CNT
            $null = ($MailboxPermissionReport | Export-Csv @paramExportCsv)
            Write-Warning -Message 'None of the Mailboxes has special permissions set'
         #endregion Reporter
         Write-Warning -Message 'No Mailboxes found that matches your search criteria'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

There is also a Gist for this function, it is also part of my open-source repository.

Get a detailed mailbox permission report:

function Get-enMailboxPermissionReport
         Get a detailed mailbox permission report

         Get a detailed mailbox permission report and exports this report to a given CSV file.
         You can select only usermailboxes, only sharedmailboxes or both for the reporting.

         .PARAMETER Identity
         The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox that you want to view.
         You can use any value that uniquely identifies the mailbox.

         Default is * (all)

         .PARAMETER MailboxType
         The type is the value for the regular RecipientTypeDetails.

         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - UserMailbox
         - User
         - SharedMailbox
         - Shared
         - All

         The Default is ALL

         .PARAMETER ResultSize
         The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return.
         If you want to return all requests that match the query, use unlimited for the value of this parameter.

         The default value is unlimited.

         .PARAMETER Path
         Specifies the path to the CSV output file.

         The default is 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxPermissionReport.csv'

         .PARAMETER Encoding
         Specifies the encoding for the exported CSV file.
         The acceptable values for this parameter are:
         - Unicode
         - UTF7
         - UTF8
         - ASCII
         - UTF32
         - BigEndianUnicode
         - Default
         - OEM

         Default is UTF8

         PS C:\> Get-enMailboxPermissionReport

         Get a detailed mailbox permission report

         Developed and tested with Exchange Online, it should work with on Premises Exchange 2010/2010/2016/2019

         This is open-source software, if you find an issue try to fix it yourself.
         There is no support and/or warranty in any kind





   [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('Mailbox', 'MailboxID', 'MailboxIdentity')]
      $Identity = '*',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('UserMailbox', 'User', 'SharedMailbox', 'Shared', 'All', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $MailboxType = 'All',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      $ResultSize = 'Unlimited',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [Alias('CsvReport', 'CsvFile')]
      $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxPermissionReport.csv',
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
      ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
      [ValidateSet('Unicode', 'UTF7', 'UTF8', 'ASCII', 'UTF32', 'BigEndianUnicode', 'Default', 'OEM', IgnoreCase = $true)]
      $Encoding = 'UTF8'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

      #region Defaults
      $SCT = 'SilentlyContinue'
      $CNT = 'Continue'

      if (-not ($Identity))
         $Identity = '*'

      if (-not ($MailboxType))
         $MailboxType = 'All'

      if (-not ($ResultSize))
         $ResultSize = 'Unlimited'

      if (-not ($Path))
         $Path = 'C:\scripts\PowerShell\Reports\MailboxPermissionReport.csv'

      if (-not ($Encoding))
         $Encoding = 'UTF8'
      #endregion Defaults

      #region MailboxType
      Write-Verbose -Message 'Get the mailboxes'

      #region paramGetMailbox
      $paramGetMailbox = @{
         Identity      = $Identity
         ResultSize    = $ResultSize
         ErrorAction   = $SCT
         WarningAction = $CNT
      #endregion paramGetMailbox

      #region MailboxTypeSwitch
      switch ($MailboxType) {
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
            $paramWhereObject = @{
               FilterScript = {
                  $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox' -or $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'SharedMailbox'
      #endregion MailboxTypeSwitch

      #region GetAllMailboxes
      $AllMailboxes = (Get-Mailbox @paramGetMailbox | Where-Object @paramWhereObject | Sort-Object)
      #endregion GetAllMailboxes
      #endregion MailboxType

      if ($AllMailboxes)
         # Create a new object for the report
         $MailboxPermissionReport = @()

         # Create a counter for Write-Progress
         $MailboxCounter = ($AllMailboxes | Measure-Object).Count

         # Set the start counter for Write-Progress to 1
         $MailboxCount = 1

         #region MailboxLoop
         Write-Verbose -Message 'Process all mailboxes'

         ForEach ($SingleMailbox in $AllMailboxes)
            # Update Write-Progress
            $ProgressActivity = ('Working on Mailbox {0} of {1} ({2})' -f $MailboxCount, $MailboxCounter, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)
            $ProgressStatus = ('Getting folders for mailbox: {0} ({1})' -f $SingleMailbox.DisplayName, $SingleMailbox.UserPrincipalName)

            Write-Verbose -Message $ProgressStatus

            $paramWriteProgress = @{
               Status          = $ProgressStatus
               Activity        = $ProgressActivity
               PercentComplete = (($MailboxCount/$MailboxCounter) * 100)
            Write-Progress @paramWriteProgress

            $MailboxPermissionReport += $SingleMailbox | Get-MailboxPermission | Where-Object -FilterScript {
               ($_.IsInherited -eq $false) -and -not ($_.User -match 'NT AUTHORITY')
            } | Select-Object -Property 'Identity', @{
               Name       = 'UserPrincipalName'
               Expression = {
            }, 'User', @{
               Name       = 'Access Rights'
               Expression = {
                  $_.AccessRights -join ','
            } -ErrorAction $CNT -WarningAction $CNT
         #endregion MailboxLoop

         #region Reporter
         if ($MailboxPermissionReport)
            $paramExportCsv = @{
               Path              = $Path
               Force             = $true
               NoTypeInformation = $true
               Confirm           = $false
               ErrorAction       = 'Stop'
               WarningAction     = $CNT
            $null = ($MailboxPermissionReport | Export-Csv @paramExportCsv)
            Write-Warning -Message 'None of the Mailboxes has special permissions set'
         #endregion Reporter
         Write-Warning -Message 'No Mailboxes found that matches your search criteria'

      #region Cleanup
      $MailboxPermissionReport = $null
      $AllMailboxes = $null
      #endregion Cleanup

There is also a Gist for this function, it is also part of my open-source repository.