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Microsoft Teams Client customisation settings via PowerShell

I deploy Microsoft Teams to all my clients by default. Some of the default settings are not what I want, but many of my test clients are not managed in a domain (or just Azure Active Directory joined), and that makes it hard to deploy any configuration. And as a bonus, I use Mac Clients!

I started to create a PowerShell Script to manipulate the desktop-config.json. During some digging, I found an article Eli Shlomo: Microsoft Teams Client Personalization with PowerShell. I really liked his code, so I decided to drop my approach and adopted his solution to fit my own requirements.

Here is the script that I run on all my Clients:

      Microsoft Teams Client customisation settings via PowerShell

      Microsoft Teams Client customisation settings via PowerShell

      PS C:\> .\Default_MicrosoftTeams_DesktopConfig.ps1

      PS C:\> .\Default_MicrosoftTeams_DesktopConfig.ps1 -verbose

      Refactored and extended version of Desktop-Config-Json.ps1 by eshlomo1


[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None')]
param ()

begin {
   #region DefaultSettings
   $AppPrefSetOpenAsHidden = $false
   $AppPrefSetOpenAtLogin = $false
   $AppPrefSetRegisterAsIMProvider = $true
   $AppPrefSetRunningOnClose = $false
   $NotificationWindowOnClose = $true
   $OverrideOpenAsHiddenProperty = $true
   $IsAppFirstRun = $false
   $CurrentWebLanguage = 'en-us'
   #endregion DefaultSettings

   #region Cleanup
   $ChangedConfig = $null
   $SourceConfigFile = $null
   $Teams = $null
   #endregion Cleanup

   #region SetConfigPath
   if (($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') + ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') -and ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Darwin*'))
      # OK, macOS is supported
      $SourceConfigFile = ($Env:HOME + '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/desktop-config.json')
   elseif (($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') + ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') -and ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Linux*'))
      # Sorry, Linux is not supported...
      $paramWriteError = @{
         Message       = 'Sorry, Linux is not supported...'
         Exception   = 'Sorry, Linux is not supported!'
         Category      = 'NotImplemented'
         ErrorAction = 'Stop'
      Write-Error @paramWriteError

      exit 1
      # Windows? Really??? OK, sure this is supported
      $SourceConfigFile = ($env:userprofile + '\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\desktop-config.json')
   #endregion SetConfigPath

process {
   if (Test-Path -Path $SourceConfigFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction Continue)
      #region GetConfig
         # Splat the parameters
         $paramGetContent = @{
            Path          = $SourceConfigFile
            Force         = $true
            ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
            WarningAction = 'Continue'
         $Teams = (Get-Content @paramGetContent | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop)

         # Cleanup
         $paramGetContent = $null
         # get error record
         [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$e = $_

         # retrieve information about runtime error
         $info = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Exception = $e.Exception.Message
            Reason    = $e.CategoryInfo.Reason
            Target    = $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName
            Script    = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
            Line      = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
            Column    = $e.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine

         # output information. Post-process collected info, and log info (optional)
         $info | Out-String | Write-Verbose

         Write-Error -Message $e.Exception.Message -ErrorAction Stop -Exception $e.Exception -TargetObject $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName

      #endregion GetConfig

      if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings)
         if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAsHidden -ne $null)
            if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAsHidden -ne $AppPrefSetOpenAsHidden)
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAsHidden will be changed to the desired default'

               $Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAsHidden = $AppPrefSetOpenAsHidden

               # Set the change indicator
               $ChangedConfig = $true

               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAsHidden was changed to the desired default'
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAsHidden is unchanged'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter openAsHidden will be created with the desired default value'

            # Splat the parameters
            $paramAddMember = @{
               MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
               Name       = 'openAsHidden'
               Value      = $AppPrefSetOpenAsHidden
            $null = ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

            # Cleanup
            $paramAddMember = $null

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter openAsHidden was created with the desired default value'

         if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAtLogin -ne $null)
            if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAtLogin -ne $AppPrefSetOpenAtLogin)
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAtLogin will be changed to the desired default'

               $Teams.appPreferenceSettings.openAtLogin = $AppPrefSetOpenAtLogin

               # Set the change indicator
               $ChangedConfig = $true

               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAtLogin was changed to the desired default'
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of openAtLogin is unchanged'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter openAtLogin will be created with the desired default value'

            # Splat the parameters
            $paramAddMember = @{
               MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
               Name       = 'openAtLogin'
               Value      = $AppPrefSetOpenAtLogin
            $null = ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

            # Cleanup
            $paramAddMember = $null

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter openAtLogin was created with the desired default value'

         if (($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') + ($PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix') -and ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Darwin*') )
            Write-Verbose -Message 'The setting registerAsIMProvider is not supported on macOS...'
            if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.registerAsIMProvider -ne $null)
               if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.registerAsIMProvider -ne $AppPrefSetRegisterAsIMProvider)
                  Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of registerAsIMProvider will be changed to the desired default'

                  $Teams.appPreferenceSettings.registerAsIMProvider = $AppPrefSetRegisterAsIMProvider

                  # Set the change indicator
                  $ChangedConfig = $true

                  Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of registerAsIMProvider was changed to the desired default'
                  Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of registerAsIMProvider is unchanged'
               Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter registerAsIMProvider will be created with the desired default value'

               # Splat the parameters
               $paramAddMember = @{
                  MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
                  Name       = 'registerAsIMProvider'
                  Value      = $AppPrefSetRegisterAsIMProvider
               $null = ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

               # Cleanup
               $paramAddMember = $null

               # Set the change indicator
               $ChangedConfig = $true

               Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter registerAsIMProvider was created with the desired default value'

         if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.runningOnClose -ne $null)
            if ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings.runningOnClose -ne $AppPrefSetRunningOnClose)
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of runningOnClose will be changed to the desired default'

               $Teams.appPreferenceSettings.runningOnClose = $AppPrefSetRunningOnClose

               # Set the change indicator
               $ChangedConfig = $true

               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of runningOnClose was changed to the desired default'
               Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of runningOnClose is unchanged'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter runningOnClose will be created with the desired default value'

            # Splat the parameters
            $paramAddMember = @{
               MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
               Name       = 'runningOnClose'
               Value      = $AppPrefSetRunningOnClose
            $null = ($Teams.appPreferenceSettings | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

            # Cleanup
            $paramAddMember = $null

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter runningOnClose was created with the desired default value'

      if ($Teams.notificationWindowOnClose -ne $null)
         if ($Teams.notificationWindowOnClose -ne $NotificationWindowOnClose)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of notificationWindowOnClose will be changed to the desired default'

            $Teams.notificationWindowOnClose = $NotificationWindowOnClose

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of notificationWindowOnClose was changed to the desired default'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of notificationWindowOnClose is unchanged'
         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter currentWebLanguage will be created with the desired default value'

         # Splat the parameters
         $paramAddMember = @{
            MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
            Name       = 'notificationWindowOnClose'
            Value      = $NotificationWindowOnClose
         $null = ($Teams | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

         # Cleanup
         $paramAddMember = $null

         # Set the change indicator
         $ChangedConfig = $true

         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter currentWebLanguage was created with the desired default value'

      if ($Teams.overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty -ne $null)
         if ($Teams.overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty -ne $OverrideOpenAsHiddenProperty)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty will be changed to the desired default'

            $Teams.overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty = $OverrideOpenAsHiddenProperty

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty was changed to the desired default'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty is unchanged'
         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty will be created with the desired default value'

         # Splat the parameters
         $paramAddMember = @{
            MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
            Name       = 'overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty'
            Value      = $OverrideOpenAsHiddenProperty
         $null = ($Teams | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

         # Cleanup
         $paramAddMember = $null

         # Set the change indicator
         $ChangedConfig = $true

         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter overrideOpenAsHiddenProperty was created with the desired default value'

      if ($Teams.isAppFirstRun -ne $null)
         if ($Teams.isAppFirstRun -ne $IsAppFirstRun)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of isAppFirstRun will be changed to the desired default'

            $Teams.isAppFirstRun = $IsAppFirstRun

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of isAppFirstRun was changed to the desired default'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of isAppFirstRun is unchanged'
         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter isAppFirstRun will be created with the desired default value'

         # Splat the parameters
         $paramAddMember = @{
            MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
            Name       = 'isAppFirstRun'
            Value      = $false
         $null = ($Teams | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

         # Cleanup
         $paramAddMember = $null

         # Set the change indicator
         $ChangedConfig = $true

         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter isAppFirstRun was created with the desired default value'

      if ($Teams.currentWebLanguage -ne $null)
         if ($Teams.currentWebLanguage -ne $CurrentWebLanguage)
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of currentWebLanguage will be changed to the desired default'

            $Teams.currentWebLanguage = $CurrentWebLanguage

            # Set the change indicator
            $ChangedConfig = $true

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of currentWebLanguage was changed to the desired default'
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Value of currentWebLanguage is unchanged'
         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter currentWebLanguage will be created with the desired default value'

         # Splat the parameters
         $paramAddMember = @{
            MemberType = 'NoteProperty'
            Name       = 'currentWebLanguage'
            Value      = $CurrentWebLanguage
         $null = ($Teams | Add-Member @paramAddMember)

         $paramAddMember = $null

         # Set the change indicator
         $ChangedConfig = $true

         Write-Verbose -Message 'The Parameter currentWebLanguage was created with the desired default value'

      #region SaveNewConfig
      if ($ChangedConfig)
         Write-Verbose -Message 'Changed configuration will be saved'

            # Splat the parameters
            $paramConvertToJson = @{
               Compress      = $true
               ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
               WarningAction = 'Continue'

            $paramSetContent = @{
               Path          = $SourceConfigFile
               Force         = $true
               Confirm       = $false
               ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
               WarningAction = 'Continue'

            $null = ($Teams | ConvertTo-Json @paramConvertToJson | Set-Content @paramSetContent)

            # Cleanup
            $paramConvertToJson = $null
            $paramSetContent = $null
            $Teams = $null
            # get error record
            [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]$e = $_

            # retrieve information about runtime error
            $info = [PSCustomObject]@{
               Exception = $e.Exception.Message
               Reason    = $e.CategoryInfo.Reason
               Target    = $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName
               Script    = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptName
               Line      = $e.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber
               Column    = $e.InvocationInfo.OffsetInLine

            # output information. Post-process collected info, and log info (optional)
            $info | Out-String | Write-Verbose

            Write-Error -Message $e.Exception.Message -ErrorAction Stop -Exception $e.Exception -TargetObject $e.CategoryInfo.TargetName


         Write-Verbose -Message 'Changed configuration was saved'
         Write-Verbose -Message 'No changes made to the configuration'
      #endregion SaveNewConfig
      Write-Warning -Message 'No Configuration File for Microsoft Teams was found.'

      exit 1

There is also a Gist for it and it is part of my open-source repository.