Featured image of post Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module Version 0.9.6

Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module Version 0.9.6

Microsoft Released version 0.9.6 of the Teams PowerShell Module via the PowerShell Gallery.

I think, that this release is a big leap! It contains a few updates that many admins, like me, desperately waited for. Fun fact: There are no Release Notes that spread this great new!

Here is a overview (taken from a developer comment on the PowerShell Gallery:

0.9.6 lets you create teams on behalf of other users if you are a global admin or teams service admin. It also comes with two features: 1. you no longer need to be licensed for teams if you’re a global or teams service admin to run the cmdlets and 2. a global and teams service admin can manage teams they don’t own/belong to.


  • A global os service admin can create Teams on behalf of a regular user
  • Global or service admin’s doesn’t need to have a Teams license
  • Global or service admin’s can now change/manage Teams without belonging or own them

To install the Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module:

Install-Module -Name 'MicrosoftTeams' -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:$false

To get the update to 0.9.6:

Update-Module -Name 'MicrosoftTeams' -Force -Confirm:$false

I know that the Microsoft Graph API for Teams was designed to do a lot of these tasks! However, I love to use PowerShell end-2-end, like for all my other administrative tasks.