Due to some issues with the GDPR; I removed the Google fonts. Sorry if the Headlines looks a bit crappy.
I also removed the AMP Version of the site due to some possible issues with the GDPR. The AMP version use JavaScript that is enforced from the AMP Project site. I’m not sure where these files are located and also have no idea if this breaks the GDPR or not. Better save then sorry: I removed it! At least for now. I also tweaked the caching of the site again. I did a lot of tests and checks with the configuration; I hope that nothing is broken, and everything works as it should.
I also removed a few old plugins and plugins that I no longer use e.g. SEO optimization, cause I couldn’t care less about my personal SEA ranking. Don’t get me wrong, SEO Rankings are very important and some plugins do a great job, but a while ago I decided that I should no longer care about an SEO ranking.
Last but not least: I re-implemented the Lightbox feature for images. I found a solution that doesn’t require any external JavaScript and looks OK.
If you find something not working, or looking strange: Report it here as a comment or get in touch with me.