I recently blogged about Microsoft Teams Room Devices, my setup and experience with it. In the second article I mentioned my Office 365 setup and the licenses I use.
So, someone asked me to publish the Office 365 related part, and of cause I used PowerShell to setup everything.
Create a Microsoft Teams Room Device in Office 365
Create and setup a Microsoft Teams Room Device in Microsoft Office 365
Review the variable here.
You must be connected to the following Services:
- Exchange Online
- MSOL (Not AzureAD!)
- Skype for Business Online (Not Teams!)
[CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low')]
param ()
# Display Name of the Room
$RoomName = 'Your-Teams-Room'
# Alias of the Room (For the UPN, SMTP, and SIP Address)
$RoomAlias = 'YourTeamsRoom'
# Keep this safe
$RoomPassword = 'YourSuperSecretRoomPassword'
At the moment, the password for a room/resource will never expire!
So keep this in a safe place. And there is no second factor (MFA).
# The Domain for the UPN, and the SMTP address
$RoomDomain = 'contoso.com'
# The Response text for meeting requests
$RoomAdditionalResponse = 'This is a Microsoft Teams Team Room'
Basic HTML is supported here!
This text will be in the meeting respoinse mail, so use it as a info or teaser
# The ALIAS of the license to apply.
# In this case it is the MEETING_ROOM License in the tenant with the name contoso
$RoomLicence = 'contoso:MEETING_ROOM'
The license must be availible (Buy it before create the room)
# We need one User that we use to find the SIP Registrar Pool (For Skype for Business and Teams SIP handling)
$CsOnlineUser = 'john.doe'
#region AutomatedStrings
# Build some strings
$RoomUserPrincipalName = ($RoomAlias + '@' + $RoomDomain)
$CsOnlineUserTemplate = ($CsOnlineUser + '@' + $RoomDomain)
I use the same domain for the UPN and the SMTP/SIP address,
and I highly recommend you to do the same!
#endregion AutomatedStrings
#region NewMailbox
# Create the Mailbox
$paramNewMailbox = @{
Name = $RoomName
Alias = $RoomAlias
Room = $true
EnableRoomMailboxAccount = $true
MicrosoftOnlineServicesID = $RoomUserPrincipalName
RoomMailboxPassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String $RoomPassword -AsPlainText -Force)
New-Mailbox @paramNewMailbox
#endregion NewMailbox
#region SetCalendarProcessing
# Tweak Calendar settings
$paramSetCalendarProcessing = @{
Identity = $RoomName
AutomateProcessing = 'AutoAccept'
AddOrganizerToSubject = $false
DeleteComments = $false
DeleteSubject = $false
RemovePrivateProperty = $false
AddAdditionalResponse = $true
AdditionalResponse = $RoomAdditionalResponse
Set-CalendarProcessing @paramSetCalendarProcessing
Please review the parameters above!
They might not match your taste or requirements
You can add more: Use 'Get-Help Set-CalendarProcessing -details' to see all supported paramaters
#endregion SetCalendarProcessing
#region SetMsolUser
# Usage location and password tweak
$paramSetMsolUser = @{
UserPrincipalName = $RoomUserPrincipalName
PasswordNeverExpires = $true
UsageLocation = 'DE'
Set-MsolUser @paramSetMsolUser
#endregion SetMsolUser
#region SetMsolUserLicense
# Apply the license
$paramSetMsolUserLicense = @{
UserPrincipalName = $RoomUserPrincipalName
AddLicenses = $RoomLicence
Set-MsolUserLicense @paramSetMsolUserLicense
#endregion SetMsolUserLicense
#region EnableCsMeetingRoom
# Enable SIP (Skype for Business/Teams)
$paramEnableCsMeetingRoom = @{
Identity = $RoomUserPrincipalName
RegistrarPool = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $CsOnlineUserTemplate | Select-Object -ExpandProperty RegistrarPool)
SipAddressType = 'EmailAddress'
Enable-CsMeetingRoom @paramEnableCsMeetingRoom
#endregion EnableCsMeetingRoom
As always, there is also a GIST available for this!
Please note: This is nothing fancy, it’s just the initial part to create a basic Room system in Microsoft Office 365.
Also keep in mind, that nearly everything is hardcoded and that there is no fancy error handling.