Featured image of post Tool that bulk imports or removes User pictures

Tool that bulk imports or removes User pictures

Simple Tool that bulk imports or removes user pictures, based on AD Group Membership.

If a user is in both groups, the picture will be removed! Idea based on my old tool to import Active Directory pictures. They are a bit to tiny, so I use Exchange now to make them look better in Exchange and Skype.

The tool will not check the pictures. As long as a picture exists, it will try to import it. Then the Exchange Server might reject the import, and you will get a warning. Same for users with non existing Mailboxes: The Tool will not check anything for the User before it tries to import the picture.

The Pictures should be in the JPG format and not larger than 648x648px. With a depth of 24 bits, each picture has around 200-250 kilobytes. Keep that in mind if you load a big bunch of pictures.

The following formats are used:

  • 48x48px - Active Directory thumbnailPhoto
  • 96x96px - Outlook, Outlook Web Access, Lync/Skype and SharePoint
  • 648x648px - Lync/Skype Clients and Lync/Skype Web App

If you use small pictures (great idea to save space), The servers will then upscale the picture and look a bit crappy in Skype!

By the way: Outlook might show all pictures with rounded edges, so avoid the corner usage. Similar to the picture in the About Box bellow.

All Pictures are down scaled. And if needed, the picture will be cropped to fit. That might look crappy, so use a proper format.

#requires -Version 2.0 -Modules ActiveDirectory
       Tool that bulk imports or removes User pictures, based on AD Group Membership

       Tool that bulk imports or removes User pictures, based on AD Group Membership
       If a user is in both groups, the picture will be removed!
       Idea based on my old tool to import Active Directory pictures.
       They are a bit to tiny, so I use Exchange now to make them look better in Exchange and Skype.

       .PARAMETER AddGroup
       Active Directory Group with users that would like to have a picture.
       For all Members of this group, the Tool will try to set an image.

       .PARAMETER RemGroup
       Active Directory Group with users that would like have have the picture removed.
       For all Members of this group, the Tool will try to remove the existing image (If set).

       .PARAMETER PictureDir
       Directory that contains the picures

       .PARAMETER Extension
       Extension of the pictures

       .PARAMETER workaround
       Workaround for Exchange 2016 on Windows Server 2016

       .PARAMETER UPNDomain
       The default Domain, to add to the UPN

       # Use the Groups 'ADDPIXX' and 'NOPIXX' to Set/Remove the User Pictures
       # There was an Issue with the User joerg.hochwald (Possible Picture Problem!
       PS C:\> .\.\Set-AllUserPictures.ps1 -AddGroup 'ADDPIXX' -RemGroup 'NOPIXX' -PictureDir 'c:\upixx\' -workaround -UPNDomain ''

       WARNING: Unable to set Image c:\upixx\joerg.hochwald.jpg for User joerg.hochwald

       # Use the Groups 'ADDPIXX' and 'NOPIXX' to Set/Remove the User Pictures
       # There was an Issue with the User jane.doe - Check that this user has a provissioned Mailbox (on Prem or Cloud)
       PS C:\> .\.\Set-AllUserPictures.ps1 -AddGroup 'ADDPIXX' -RemGroup 'NOPIXX' -PictureDir 'c:\upixx\' -workaround -UPNDomain ''

       WARNING: Unable to handle jane.doe - Check that this user has a valid Mailbox!

       # Use the Groups 'ADDPIXX' and 'NOPIXX' to Set/Remove the User Pictures - Everything went well
       PS C:\> .\.\Set-AllUserPictures.ps1 -AddGroup 'ADDPIXX' -RemGroup 'NOPIXX' -PictureDir 'c:\upixx\' -workaround -UPNDomain ''

       WARNING: Unable to handle jane.doe - Check that this user has a valid Mailbox!

       TODO: There is no logging! Only the Exchange RBAC logging is in use
       TODO: A few error handlers are still missing

       If a user is in both groups, the picture will be removed!
       Verbose could be very verbose. This is due to the fact, that the complete Exchange logging will be shown!

       There are a few possibilities for Warnings and Errors. (Mostly for missing things)

       Disclaimer: The code is provided 'as is,' with all possible faults, defects or errors, and without warranty of any kind.

       Author: Joerg Hochwald



	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
				  ValueFromPipeline = $true,
				  ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
				  Position = 1,
				  HelpMessage = 'Active Directory Group with users that would like to have a picture')]
	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
				  ValueFromPipeline = $true,
				  ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
				  Position = 2,
				  HelpMessage = 'Active Directory Group with users that would like have have the picture removed.')]
	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
				  ValueFromPipeline = $true,
				  ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
				  Position = 3,
				  HelpMessage = 'Directory that contains the picures')]
	[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
				  ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
				  Position = 5)]
	[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
				  ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
				  Position = 4)]
	[ValidateSet('png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'bmp')]
	$Extension = 'jpg',
	$workaround = $false

	if ($workaround)
		# Unsupported Workaround accoring to
		Add-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.SnapIn

	# Cleanup
	$AddUserPixx = $null
	$NoUserPixx = $null

	# Check the source directory string and fix it if needed
	if (-not ($PictureDir).EndsWith('\'))
		# Fix it
		$PictureDir = $PictureDir + '\'

		$paramWriteVerbose = @{
			Message = 'Fixed the Source Directory String!'
		Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose

		$paramGetADGroupMember = @{
			Identity	     = $AddGroup
			ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
			WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
		$AddUserPixx = (Get-ADGroupMember @paramGetADGroupMember | Select-Object -Property samaccountname)
		$paramWriteError = @{
			Message = "Unable to find $AddGroup"
			ErrorAction = 'Stop'
		Write-Error @paramWriteError


		$paramGetADGroupMember = @{
			Identity	     = $RemGroup
			ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
			WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
		$NoUserPixx = (Get-ADGroupMember @paramGetADGroupMember | Select-Object -Property samaccountname)
		$paramWriteError = @{
			Message = "Unable to find $AddGroup"
			ErrorAction = 'Stop'
		Write-Error @paramWriteError


	function Test-ValidEmail
               Simple Function to check if a String is a valid Mail

               Simple Function to check if a String is a valid Mail and return a Bool

               .PARAMETER address
               Address String to Check

               # Not a valid String
               PS C:\> Test-ValidEmail -address 'Joerg.Hochwald'

               # Valid String
               PS C:\> Test-ValidEmail -address ''

               Disclaimer: The code is provided 'as is,' with all possible faults, defects or errors, and without warranty of any kind.

               Author: Joerg Hochwald




			[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
						  HelpMessage = 'Address String to Check')]

		($address -as [mailaddress]).Address -eq $address -and $address -ne $null

	if (-not ($AddUserPixx.samaccountname))
		$paramWriteVerbose = @{
			Message = "The AD Group $AddGroup has no members."
		Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose
		# Add a counter
		$AddUserPixxCount = (($AddUserPixx.samaccountname).count)

		$paramWriteVerbose = @{
			Message = "The AD Group $AddGroup has $AddUserPixxCount members."
		Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose

		foreach ($AddUser in $AddUserPixx.samaccountname)
			if (($NoUserPixx.samaccountname) -notcontains $AddUser)
				# Check the UPN and Fix it, if possible
				if (-not (Test-ValidEmail($AddUser)))
					if (-not ($UPNDomain))
						# Whoopsie
						$paramWriteError = @{
							Message	   = 'UPN Default Domain not set but needed!'
							ErrorAction = 'Stop'
						Write-Error @paramWriteError
						# Let us fix this
						$AddUserUPN = ($AddUser + '@' + $UPNDomain)

				# Build the Full Image Path
				$SingleUserPicture = ($PictureDir + $AddUser + '.' + $Extension)

				# Check if Picture exists
				$paramTestPath = @{
					Path			  = $SingleUserPicture
					ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
					WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'

				if (Test-Path @paramTestPath)
						$paramSetUserPhoto = @{
							Identity	     = $AddUserUPN
							PictureData   = ([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($SingleUserPicture))
							Confirm		  = $false
							ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
							WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'

						$null = (Set-UserPhoto @paramSetUserPhoto)
						$paramWriteWarning = @{
							Message = "Unable to set Image $SingleUserPicture for User $AddUser"
							ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
						Write-Warning @paramWriteWarning
					$paramWriteWarning = @{
						Message = "The Image $SingleUserPicture for User $AddUser was not found"
						ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
					Write-Warning @paramWriteWarning
				$paramWriteVerbose = @{
					Message = "Sorry, User $AddUser is member of $AddGroup and $RemGroup"
				Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose

	if (-not ($NoUserPixx.samaccountname))
		$paramWriteVerbose = @{
			Message = "The AD Group $RemGroup has no members."
		Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose
		# Add a counter
		$NoUserPixxCount = (($NoUserPixx.samaccountname).count)

		$paramWriteVerbose = @{
			Message = "The AD Group $RemGroup has $NoUserPixxCount members."
		Write-Verbose @paramWriteVerbose

		foreach ($NoUser in $NoUserPixx.samaccountname)
			# Check the UPN and Fix it, if possible
			if (-not (Test-ValidEmail($NoUser)))
				if (-not ($UPNDomain))
					# Whoopsie
					$paramWriteError = @{
						Message	   = 'UPN Default Domain not set but needed!'
						ErrorAction = 'Stop'
					Write-Error @paramWriteError
					# Let us fix this
					$NoUserUPN = ($NoUser + '@' + $UPNDomain)

			$paramSetUserPhoto = @{
				Identity	     = $NoUserUPN
				Confirm		  = $false
				ErrorAction   = 'Stop'
				WarningAction = 'SilentlyContinue'

				$null = (Remove-UserPhoto @paramSetUserPhoto)
				$paramWriteWarning = @{
					Message = "Unable to handle $NoUser - Check that this user has a valid Mailbox!"
					ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'
				Write-Warning @paramWriteWarning

	# Cleaniup
	$AddUserPixx = $null
	$NoUserPixx = $null
	$AddUserPixxCount = $null
	$NoUserPixxCount = $null

	# Do a garbage collection: Call the .NET function to cleanup some stuff
	$null = ([GC]::Collect())

There is also a Gist for that.

The Script should be well documented.

Please note: This is an early version and there are a few things still missing!

More Info about Picture Handling: TechNet