Featured image of post Ubiquiti UniFi Controller Module 1.0.11

Ubiquiti UniFi Controller Module 1.0.11

I published a new version, Release 1.0.11, of the Ubiquiti UniFi Controller API Management and automation module.

Even if I marked this as a minor release, this one contains a lot of new functionality.

Release Notes:


  • Get-UnifiHourlySiteStats - Get horly statistics for a complete UniFi Site
  • Get-UnifiDailySiteStats - Get daily statistics for a complete UniFi Site
  • Get-Unifi5minutesSiteStats - Get statistics in 5 minute segments for a complete UniFi Site
  • Get-Unifi5minutesGatewayStats - Get statistics in 5 minute segments for the USG (UniFi Secure Gateway)
  • Get-UnifiHourlyGatewayStats - Get hourly statistics for the USG (UniFi Secure Gateway)
  • Get-UnifiDailyGatewayStats - Get daily statistics for the USG (UniFi Secure Gateway)
  • Get-UnifiDailyClientStats - Get daily user/client statistics for a given user/client
  • Get-UnifiHourlyClientStats - Get hourly user/client statistics for a given user/client
  • Get-Unifi5minutesClientStats - Get user/client statistics in 5 minute segments for a given client
  • Get-UnifiDailyApStats - Get daily stats for all or just one access points in a given UniFi site
  • Get-UnifiHourlyApStats - Get hourly stats for all or just one access points in a given UniFi site
  • Get-Unifi5minutesApStats - Get the stats in 5 minute segments for all or just one access points in a given UniFi site
  • ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress - Helper to check and make sure we have the right format (private function)
  • Get-CallerPreference - Add private meta function
  • CODEOWNERS - Add GitHub code owners feature file
  • Set-UnifiClientDeviceNote - Add/modify/remove a client-device note
  • Set-UnifiClientDeviceName - Add/modify/remove a client device name
  • New-UnifiClientDevice - Create a new user/client-device (unfinished beta)


  • New-UnifiClientDevice now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiUnblockClient now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiUnauthorizeGuest now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiReconnectClient now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiForgetClient now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiBlockClient now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Invoke-UnifiAuthorizeGuest now use ConvertTo-UniFiValidMacAddress to check and make sure we have the right format
  • Get-CallerPreference - Implemented private meta function usage to all (public/private) functions


  • Get-HostsFile should never be a part of this module. I just use them for some internal tests.
  • Add-HostsEntry should never be a part of this module. I just use them for some internal tests.
  • Get-HostsFile should never be a part of this module. I just use them for some internal tests.


  • Fixed the Get-CallerPreference usage

Feel free to install it from the PowerShell Gallery.

# Install the module for the Current User with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method
# Run in a regular or administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope CurrentUser

# Install the module for the All Users with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method.
# Run this in an administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope AllUsers

You will find the latest version in the release page of the GitHub repository for this module.

GitHub release