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Ubiquiti UniFi Controller Module is now available on PowerShell Gallery

My PowerShell Module for the Ubiquiti UniFi Controller API is now available on PowerShell Gallery.

PowerShell Gallery Version

Here is how to install the Ubiquiti UniFi Controller API Module:

# Install the module for the Current User with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method
# Run in a regular or administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope CurrentUser

# Install the module for the All Users with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method.
# Run this in an administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope AllUsers

You can also install it manual, but I can’t recommend to install module with this method:

iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")

Release Download from GitHub"

Last but not least: You will find the latest version in the release page of the GitHub repository for this module.