My PowerShell Module for the Ubiquiti UniFi Controller API is now available on PowerShell Gallery.
Here is how to install the Ubiquiti UniFi Controller API Module:
# Install the module for the Current User with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method
# Run in a regular or administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope CurrentUser
# Install the module for the All Users with PowerShellGet directly from the Powershell Gallery, Preferred method.
# Run this in an administrative PowerShell prompt (Elevated).
Install-Module -Name 'UniFiTooling' -Scope AllUsers
You can also install it manual, but I can’t recommend to install module with this method:
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
Last but not least: You will find the latest version in the release page of the GitHub repository for this module.